zaterdag 2 oktober 2010

Student life in Holland 4

This time I want to tell something about the public transport.

It was Friday, and I had to go to school. My first lesson started at 9 o'clock. If I have to be in school at 9 o'clock, I must take the train about 10 minutes past 8.
My alarm clock ringed and I woke up. I couldn't get out of bed immediately. About 10 minutes later I looked at my clock. It was 8 o'clock!!! I jumped out of bed. I knew that I would not make the train. I thought: 'if I have to take a train later, I have time to take a shower'. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I didn't had time to eat breakfast or make lunch for school.
Finally I had reached the train at 25 minutes past 8. I was very fast in the morning. Most of the time I need an hour to get ready. The train from Woerden to Utrecht takes about fifteen minutes. Fortunately, I don't have to sit long in the train. In Utrecht I have to take the bus to the Uithof. My school is at the Uithof in Utrecht. The bus takes also about fifteen minutes. The only drawback is that it is so busy at the bus stop. There are many people waiting for the same bus. Sometimes I have to let 3 busses passed before I can get on. Fortunately, this Friday was not very busy. Maybe because it was a little bit later than usually. Eventually I was at school about 10 minutes after 9 o'clock. I was only 10 minutes late! I was suprised that the trip had gone so fast.

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