zaterdag 11 september 2010

Assignment 4 MEMO

Subject: Super Sports Day

Dear colleagues,

We discussed the staff outing in the meeting last week. I think it's a great idea to do something with the staff and their families. The compagny is not very long in the Netherlands. It's important that our American colleagues get the chance to know our Dutch colleagues. The best way to get to know someone is outside of employment. The American company moved about a year ago to the Netherlands, and it's important that our new colleagues feel like home here. We must not forget that it's a big step to move to another country.

We have chosen for a Super Sports Day because it's really healthy and a good way for getting to know eachother. Everybody is sitting at their desk at work all day long. A day sportsmanship will be good for everybody. With sports, you have to work together and it's a lot of fun! We can end the day with a barbecue.

I look forward to hear what you think.

Kind regards,

The Communications Department of Performance Systematix

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