zaterdag 11 september 2010

Student life in Holland 2

The second week of my training is done. One thing I noticed, we get a lot of homework! Sometimes it´s hard, because after school I´ve got a part time job. For my school schedule it´s to do well. I don´t have really long day's at school. The last lesson is finished most of the time about half past twelve a.m.

After school I work at a customer service for a phone provider. The work is okay for a part time job. I do not want to think about working there full time. It´s all day computer work. People call you with there problems, for example their voicemail don't work. Sometimes you get very nice people on the phone and the conversation is nice. It also happens sometimes that people are angry. That conversation is more difficult. You have to stay calm and patient. It is difficult because the customer is not always right. Fortunately, my colleagues are very nice! It is always enjoyable at work.

To combine school and work well, I make a clear planning. Fortunately, my work is very flexible.

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