zondag 19 september 2010

Assignment 7: Letter of enquiry

Annie M.G. Schmidtweg 14
3446 ZJ Woerden
The Netherlands

19th September 2010

City College Manchester
5 Crescent Road
Manchester M8 5UF

Subject: Course 'English as a Foreign Language'.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I searched on the internet for a English course for international students. I found the website of City College Manchester, and I read about the 'English is a Foreign Language' course. The course appeal to me. My name is Liesbeth Slooijer. I am 21 years old. I live in the Netherlands, in Woerden. That's a small town near by Utrecht. I study at the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of the University of Utrecht. I am interested in this course because I have to choose a minor for 6 months. My english level is medium. I can understand people, and I can familiar myself but I would like to improve my level. That's why I want to do my minor in a foreign country.

I have a view questions about the English course for international students. When is the course and for how long? What is the level of the course? Is there an exam at the end of the course? Do I have to find my own place to sleep or get it regulated? I would be most grateful if you could answer my questions.

Thanking you in advance for your information.

Yours faithfully,

Liesbeth Slooijer

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