dinsdag 7 september 2010

Student life in Holland

I started with school last week. My first schoolday was on 30th of august. I was a little bit nervous, because it was two years ago that I visited school. My last fulltime course was in the year 2008. I haved worked for eighteen months.

When I walked into the school, I met a girl who came for the same course. I was relieved because now I didn't have to find the classroom by myself. In the classroom where all the students for the course came, we heard in which group everyone was classified. The rest of the day we were with our group and we had the chance to know eachother.

At this moment we have had one week lessons. I like my group, and I like the school. Till now, I did not had a boring moment. I like the lessons, because they are very interesting and the teachers are nice.

Many people think it's hard to go to school again, after you have worked. But I am glad that I have maked this decision.

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