dinsdag 5 oktober 2010

Assignment 13: Listening/writing

Video 1 & 3 was not available on the website.

Abi Signorelli is the director of Internal Communications at Virgin Media. She is going to give a workshop on July 24. In this interview she tells what you can expect from the workshop.

She is going to show new releases in the technology. She shows what these products are, and how you can use it. She is going to tell something about Twitter, Boo and Flock. Twitter is a small messenger chat. Boo and Flock are phone blogs.

The technology is changing very quickly. Some people are scared of the new technology. She thinks there is no need for. The new technology opens many doors. When there is a new release she knows it first. She can see what the opportunities are. Abi want to help people to show them how the new technologies works. She is also very curious what other people’s thoughts are and what they’re doing.

zaterdag 2 oktober 2010

4.2 Role play: The magazine

F. Marketing manager

  • More contact than anyone else with managers and employees around the world.
  • Not enough is done to bring everyone together, feeling of belonging to a family.
  • Information in the magazine is already out of date before it is published.
  • What you need instead is something much simpler, less glossy, more information.
  • Creating an intranet website.
  • News on screens in the entrance hall or staff restaurant.
  • Weekly newsletter bij e-mail; provide staff with up to date information.

Student life in Holland 4

This time I want to tell something about the public transport.

It was Friday, and I had to go to school. My first lesson started at 9 o'clock. If I have to be in school at 9 o'clock, I must take the train about 10 minutes past 8.
My alarm clock ringed and I woke up. I couldn't get out of bed immediately. About 10 minutes later I looked at my clock. It was 8 o'clock!!! I jumped out of bed. I knew that I would not make the train. I thought: 'if I have to take a train later, I have time to take a shower'. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I didn't had time to eat breakfast or make lunch for school.
Finally I had reached the train at 25 minutes past 8. I was very fast in the morning. Most of the time I need an hour to get ready. The train from Woerden to Utrecht takes about fifteen minutes. Fortunately, I don't have to sit long in the train. In Utrecht I have to take the bus to the Uithof. My school is at the Uithof in Utrecht. The bus takes also about fifteen minutes. The only drawback is that it is so busy at the bus stop. There are many people waiting for the same bus. Sometimes I have to let 3 busses passed before I can get on. Fortunately, this Friday was not very busy. Maybe because it was a little bit later than usually. Eventually I was at school about 10 minutes after 9 o'clock. I was only 10 minutes late! I was suprised that the trip had gone so fast.

zaterdag 25 september 2010

Assignment 11: Reply to a request

Annie M.G. Schmidtweg 14
3446 ZJ Woerden
The Netherlands
Tel: 06 504 894 70
Email: liesbeth.s88@hotmail.com

25 September, 2010

Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
54 Oxford Road,
Skagnes SK3 4RG
Tel: 0223 123 4567
Email: info@dreamtimemovies.com.uk

Subject: Refer to a letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you so much for your letter. Unfortunately, I cannot send you the brochure and price lists you ask for. The reason I cannot send you this is because I do not have the brochures and price lists for 2010 yet.

I have a small business in website editing services. I checked your website and I thought maybe you are interested. The services I offer is a complete facelift, renewing the website and keep it up to date. I would like to know in which four languages you want to translate your website. I also would like to know what price you had in mind for the translation.

Please find enclosed a price list for the website editing services.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Liesbeth Slooijer

maandag 20 september 2010

Assignment 8: Interview with Catherine Cummings


1. What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve Bank?
You can give anonymous comments, and you can write anonymous a blog .

2. The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create "buzz". What is meant by this, in other words, what was the purpose of opening a blog?
The popularity of the website took off very much. They create buzz to attract people. They want more people visit the website.

3. What was the female recruiting manager's blog mainly about?
She is a fulltime mother and a fulltime manager for people who need her.

4. What was the purpose of her blog?
She tries to recruit people for the FED.

5. Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs?
Regulated, moderated .

6. By what kind of people were the very first FED blogs written?
By senior management.

7. Have the blogs changed the way that people who work for the FED think about internal communications?
Yes, because senior management used to write te blogs, and there was no possibility to respond anonymous. Nobody wrote comments on the blogs. It's possible now to respond anonymous, so the staff will do that often.

8. What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned?
There are flatscreens in the bank of the elevators has. Through the flatscreens, they can show some information from the internet.

9. Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communicating with staff does she mention?
Memo's and meetings

10. What is the next big thing in social media at the FED?
Design of the intranet

zondag 19 september 2010

Assignment 7: Letter of enquiry

Annie M.G. Schmidtweg 14
3446 ZJ Woerden
The Netherlands

19th September 2010

City College Manchester
5 Crescent Road
Manchester M8 5UF

Subject: Course 'English as a Foreign Language'.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I searched on the internet for a English course for international students. I found the website of City College Manchester, and I read about the 'English is a Foreign Language' course. The course appeal to me. My name is Liesbeth Slooijer. I am 21 years old. I live in the Netherlands, in Woerden. That's a small town near by Utrecht. I study at the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of the University of Utrecht. I am interested in this course because I have to choose a minor for 6 months. My english level is medium. I can understand people, and I can familiar myself but I would like to improve my level. That's why I want to do my minor in a foreign country.

I have a view questions about the English course for international students. When is the course and for how long? What is the level of the course? Is there an exam at the end of the course? Do I have to find my own place to sleep or get it regulated? I would be most grateful if you could answer my questions.

Thanking you in advance for your information.

Yours faithfully,

Liesbeth Slooijer

Student life in Holland 3

The Dom church

If you want to go to school in Utrecht, you get a lot to do with the city. Maybe you have to move to the city because your parental home is to far away. Utrecht is not a very big city, but it´s nice. There are a lot of shops for clothing but also for jewelry or music and movies. Most of the time when I go shopping, I go to Utrecht. Utrecht is also a beautifull city to visit. The city is famous for his historical canals, and the monumental church ´the Dom´. The church is open for visitors every day. There are daily church services. Music plays a big part in the church services. There are concerts every week on Saterday. You can also climb the tower. The tower is quite high. When you are on the top of the tower, you have a nice view over the old city. You can see the Dom-tower from far outside the city. The tower is about 112 metre high. The Dom-tower is the highest church tower in the Netherlands.

zaterdag 11 september 2010

Assignment 4 MEMO

To: management@performancesystematix.com
From: communication@performancesystematix.com
Subject: Super Sports Day

Dear colleagues,

We discussed the staff outing in the meeting last week. I think it's a great idea to do something with the staff and their families. The compagny is not very long in the Netherlands. It's important that our American colleagues get the chance to know our Dutch colleagues. The best way to get to know someone is outside of employment. The American company moved about a year ago to the Netherlands, and it's important that our new colleagues feel like home here. We must not forget that it's a big step to move to another country.

We have chosen for a Super Sports Day because it's really healthy and a good way for getting to know eachother. Everybody is sitting at their desk at work all day long. A day sportsmanship will be good for everybody. With sports, you have to work together and it's a lot of fun! We can end the day with a barbecue.

I look forward to hear what you think.

Kind regards,

The Communications Department of Performance Systematix

Student life in Holland 2

The second week of my training is done. One thing I noticed, we get a lot of homework! Sometimes it´s hard, because after school I´ve got a part time job. For my school schedule it´s to do well. I don´t have really long day's at school. The last lesson is finished most of the time about half past twelve a.m.

After school I work at a customer service for a phone provider. The work is okay for a part time job. I do not want to think about working there full time. It´s all day computer work. People call you with there problems, for example their voicemail don't work. Sometimes you get very nice people on the phone and the conversation is nice. It also happens sometimes that people are angry. That conversation is more difficult. You have to stay calm and patient. It is difficult because the customer is not always right. Fortunately, my colleagues are very nice! It is always enjoyable at work.

To combine school and work well, I make a clear planning. Fortunately, my work is very flexible.

dinsdag 7 september 2010

E-mail assignment 2D

To: everybody@princesshall.com
From: communication@princesshall.com
Subject: A good idea!
Cc: management@princesshall.com

Dear colleagues,

We had a meeting with the management of Princess Hall Theatre. In this meeting we discuss a view points about our compagny and our reputation. We were thinking how we can make this compagny more successful. We had some feedback from guests about the clothing of the employees. Some people said it is to casually, especially at gala dinners or business events. That is why we got the idea to create a dress code for all the employees. I think this is a great idea! With a dress code we are more professional. We want to ask all of you to help us with the creating of a dress code. Many of you will definitely have good ideas! We hope to receive your idea within a fortnight. We are all looking forward to hearing your ideas!

Thanks for your efforts!

Kind regards,

The Communications Department of the Princess Hall Theatre.

E-mail assignment 2C

1. I will send you the information tomorrow. Unfortunately, I cannot send it today.
2. I would like to receive a reply to this e-mail before next week at the latest.
3. Unfortunately, we cannot send you the information you requested.
4. The payment of the invoice must be paid immediately.
5. I am afraid I cannot come to the meeting of 15 June.
6. Can you send me your advice on this matter as soon as possible?
7. I would like to receive your flight details as soon as possible.
8. Could you let us know whether the date and time of the meeting suit you?

E-mail assignment 2B

1. Thank you for your invitation. Unfortunately, I cannot come to the congress.
2. Could you please send me some information about a possible traineeship at Nike International?
3. I have enclosed a route description at this e-mail. I will also give you the route description by phone. I call you this morning.
4. Would it be possible for you to meet me on 10 September at 2 o'clock?
5. Unfortunately, I will not be able to finish the report in time.

E-mail assignment 2A

To: RobertSandman@musicfantastic.co
Subject: Hello from me

Dear Rob,

How are you? I hope you remember me. I am the student who met you two weeks ago. My name is Merlin. You gave me your e-mailadress. You said to me that if I ever was in London, I should e-mail you. Well, I will be in London next week. Maybe we can meet? It would be very nice to see you again.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

All the best,


Student life in Holland

I started with school last week. My first schoolday was on 30th of august. I was a little bit nervous, because it was two years ago that I visited school. My last fulltime course was in the year 2008. I haved worked for eighteen months.

When I walked into the school, I met a girl who came for the same course. I was relieved because now I didn't have to find the classroom by myself. In the classroom where all the students for the course came, we heard in which group everyone was classified. The rest of the day we were with our group and we had the chance to know eachother.

At this moment we have had one week lessons. I like my group, and I like the school. Till now, I did not had a boring moment. I like the lessons, because they are very interesting and the teachers are nice.

Many people think it's hard to go to school again, after you have worked. But I am glad that I have maked this decision.